How to get your Butta on!

Day or Night

The Everyone Everything Everywhere Butta!

Skin: Body, Face, Neck, Chest, Elbows, Behind Knees, Hands, Feet, Paws.  Never greasy and never dry. Glides on and soaks in. Smooth like Butta! 


Afro, Dreads, Curly, Wavy & Straight (as a pomade after a blow dry or a hydrating hair mask), and for keeping bald heads smooth. Nourishes and softens beards & staches too! 

Other goodnesses: 

Anti-aging-We all age!  The Butta gives you clean beauty and a dynamite glow at any age. 

Kissable Lips-When its good to use the word "moist"

Makeup Remover or under makeup glow

Deodorant-Defunkifies...apply once or twice a day (that's how you know its organic) 

New Tattoo or Sunburns- Soothing healing vibes 

Nails-Cuticle and nail hydration #ClawLove

Massages-Feels so good and smells like a spa

Sexy time- Lover's Butta 💛

Pregnant bellies-Stretch marks are a badge of honor!  Gently massage the Butta to soften the skin while the belly is growing to help them fade over time. 

Baby’s Bottoms-Smooth like Butta

All Genders, All Ages, All Skin Types, All Hair Types, All Stages of Your Life

**Furry Pets Included

 High-quality organic oils melt at 76 degrees. Enjoy Yassi’s Butta melty in warmer months or store in a dry cool place and or refrigerate as a solid.  If refrigerated, bring to room temperature before using so the Butta scoops out smoothly. #keepitcool to #keepitsmooth 

Consult a physician for any allergic reactions.